Fabio Maciel

  • macielfsouza@gmail.com
  • github.com/fabiomaciel
  • linkedin.com/in/fabiomaciel
  • +55 11 9 72191685
  • Brazilian


Itaú - São Paulo

Apr/2024- Present
Staff Software Engineer

  • Responsible for architecting new systems and improve those are already running
  • Actuate as a technical reference of multiple team focused on backend and aws
  • Work to find ways to reduce costs and improve infrastructure resources
  • Work with other staff and principal engineers to improve all payments ecosystem spread among multiple teams
  • Helping team members to develop their skills and grow their career
  • Develop and support high available and scalable systems with millions of access per day

Itaú - São Paulo

Jul/2020- Mar/2024
Senior Software Engineer

  • Responsible for architecting new systems and improve those are already running
  • Actuate as a technical reference of the team and others teams around the pix ecosystem
  • Work with devops team to find ways to reduce costs and improve infrastructure resources
  • Work with staff and principal engineers to improve all pix ecosystem spread among multiple teams
  • Helping team members to develop their skills, deliver their tasks and grow their career
  • Develop and maintained web services based in Java and Kotlin (Springboot)
  • Develop and support Backend servies of PIX (brazilian instant payment method)
  • Develop and support all micro-services using AWS
  • Develop and support system with millions of access per day

Ifood - Osasco

Mar/2020- Jul/2020
Software Engineer

  • Develop and maintained web services based in Java and Kotlin (Springboot)
  • Develop backend servies of anti-fraud

C6 Bank - São Paulo

Jul/2019 - Fev/2020
Back End Developer

  • Develop and maintained web services based in Javalin (Kotlin)
  • Develop backend servies of investment funds and "cdb" products
  • Improvement quality of development with unit and component tests, jacoco and sonarcube.

Metasix - São Paulo

Aug/2013 - Jul/2019
Software Engineer

  • Lead the development and adoption of Nodejs
  • Develop distributed Nodejs message system using Redis.
  • Develop and maintained a multichannel customer service platform
  • Migrate systems to multi-tenancy approach
  • Develop CRM integration with telephony systems
  • Develop and maintained JavaEE and Spring (and SpringBoot) Framework systems
  • Full stack development using Nodejs
  • Develop and maintained REST Web Services with JavaEE (EJB, CDI, Hibernate, JAX-RS)
  • Develop a mobile game using Cocos2s-X using (C/C++) and integration with IOS game center and Android Google Play
  • Develop canvas game (bomberman like) using Vanilla Js

Fundação Faculdade de Medicina (USP) - São Paulo

Nov/2012 – Aug/2013

Superintendência de Comunicação Social (USP)- São Paulo

Set/2011 – Set/2012
Web Developer